The power of our business proposal lies in our 200-acre model based on the intensive management of our grasslands.  The model can scale up or down.  When scaled down it provides a good living for a small farm down to about 50 acres.  When scaled up the only limiting factor is the market share that can be filled by our products.  
The 200-acre model is a layered approach to growing animals.  In a year the same acres will support 500 cows, 150,000 meat chickens, 3750 egg laying chickens that produce 78,000 dozen eggs, 300 pigs, two-acres of mushroom cultivation, 800 lbs. of honey as well as hay for winter-feeding.
This is a very intensive management of resources and the key to our high profit potential.  
The initial development is an accelerated program with the intention of jump starting the farm.  The irrigation, over seeding with annual plants for quick forage and use of feeder steers all contribute to a rapid conversion from cattle monoculture farming to our highly profitable regenerative agriculture model.  This acceleration allows us to conclude borrowing capital in month 18 and begin making payments equal to the interest in month 19.
Land that is developed in expansion of the farm will proceed at a more leisurely pace.  In order to accommodate the cattle herd’s growth, the best acres of each purchase will also be irrigated and over seeded with annuals in advance of the remaining acres.  Our goal is the best use of each acre.