Carbon Sequestration Based on Cattle Grazing in Georgia
There are three questions to be asked here. Why carbon sequestration based on cattle grazing in GA, why the Carbon Cattle Company and why now.
Why is Sequestering Carbon Important?
The short answer is that altered land use and burning of fossilized carboniferous fuels has created an atmospheric imbalance that can be corrected. The gases in our atmosphere, which are out of balance (CO2 is only one of them), can be affected with various programs to reduce the emission of those gases and to bind them back into a solid form that prevents them from returning to the atmosphere where they create a multitude of problems for the continued existence of humans under the current behavior.
Left unchecked, the continued atmospheric imbalance will trigger global climate changes that will be a new epidemic for the planet, but which humans will probably not enjoy.
We all know that our weather is different and changing. Just how different it will get depends on how we act. Our thirst for lumber and more land to farm and mine has led to the consumption of most of the earth’s tropical timber reserves. That is, we have cut out much of the lung capacity of our biosphere. In less than 100 years humans have allowed, created, and promoted the loss of billions of tons of carbon-rich topsoil through poor land management.
These two acts have adversely impacted the carbon cycle that took millions of years to develop. Meanwhile, we have enveloped the earth with an invisible blanket of carbon dioxide (CO2) as we have burned more than 900 billion barrels of oil. When burned, the carbon in a barrel of oil releases about 950 pounds of CO2. Nine hundred billion barrels x 950 pounds per barrel puts us at more than 855,000,000,000,000 pounds, which equals 427.5 billion tons of released human CO2.
Why the Carbon Cattle Company?
The Carbon Cattle Company has developed a business model that is successful on every level of achievement. It is sustainably profitable, environmentally restoring, humane in all its interactions, flexible, scalable to fit any situation and capable of sequestering large amounts of carbon indefinitely. Every carbon atom that is removed from the atmospheric CO2 cycle is important in our efforts to continue to live the lifestyle to which we are accustomed.
Our proposal to finance this model starts with 14,850 acres and within three years it will begin to reinvest profit into buying additional land. Profits continue to be reinvested each year, and by year 15 the company is scheduled to own 4.9 million carbon sequestering acres and still have an annual net of $24.5 billion.
Why Now?
We have the water, with 49” and more rain per year, ample access to subterranean water with zero concerns regarding fracking or oil drilling contamination.
Weld County, Colorado currently has 23,686 oil and gas wells; most are “fracked wells.” Weld County is also home to one of our Nation’s largest beef processing plants owned by JBS. We believe it is only a matter of time before the processing plant’s water supply becomes contaminated. Our scale offers a real alternative to vendors who do not want to participate in this risk. Whole Foods, Fresh Market and Sprouts all currently purchase beef that is processed in this plant. We view this as an “unnecessary risk” and a serious threat to food security in this country. This is a market where we can offer a needed alternative. We could be set to take the market.
With the demand for organic food at the
it’s ever been and the need continuing to grow, consumers prefer grass-fed beef over grain fed meat. Consumers are demanding pasture raised cage-free eggs, which is all we will produce. We will also provide consumers with a verifiable way to reduce their carbon footprint. Land prices are at historic lows, making this the perfect time to break into the market and accomplish our mission. Much of the property we want to purchase will certify as organic from day one. Our present location is perfectly located to service the Southeastern U.S.A. and much of the eastern seaboard and makes entering the market much easier. Finally, the growing season is now a full month longer than 30 years ago.
In the event of total ice melt, many of our properties will be very close to the beach.
This CO2 is trapped in what is called our troposphere, which is only about 7 miles high. That thin orange band is where we live and breathe.
All that invisible gas we have released is blanketing our troposphere, and this is warming planet earth.
The science is clear.